Wildlife habitat on rangelands is one of the most pressing conservation issues in western North America. Nearly all western upland gamebird species rely on rangeland habitats. USU Extension's Rangeland-Wildlife Habitat Lab focuses on providing the best available scientific information concerning the assessment of management and conservation practices for these species, especially our native grouse species.
Dusky Grouse (Dendragapus obscurus)
Found in the interior Rocky Mountain region from the Yukon to the Arizona-New Mexico border, including the sky island habitats of the Great Basin
Found throughout Utah's mountains
Formerly known as the Blue Grouse
Uses sagebrush steppe, mountain shrubland, aspen, and conifer for habitat
Reverse migration, up in elevation during the winter and consumes nothing but conifer needles throughout the winter
Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus)
Most widely distributed grouse in North America, from the east to west coasts, from as far south as the southern Appalachian Mountains and southern Rockies, north to the Boreal forest of Canada
Natural habitat is mixed deciduous and conifer forests, often associated with aspen
Spruce Grouse (Falcipennis canadensis)
Found from Alaska to the northern Rockies
Native habitat is coniferous forests, primarily spruce
Subspecies of Franklin’s and Canada Spruce Grouse
Sooty Grouse (Dendragapus fuliginosus)
Found within the coastal ranges from Alaska to California
Natural habitat is mountain and coastal coniferous forests
Formerly blue grouse, but split from dusky grouse in 2004